Calendar.vim extension for CSVTODO
On Windows OS I enjoy working with a mix of terminal and graphical applications, and I also try to have them interact where possible. An example, as described below, is my desktop application CSVTODO, and the possibility to display the same TODO list in VIM.
It requires CSVKIT (see this blog post), and two more VIM plugins. Calendar.vim, an exceptionally well-written plugin that, as the name implies, produces an interactive calendar inside a vim special buffer and scratch.vim. A more detailed description of scratch.vim can be found here. Both have been installed with VIM's plug-in manager.
Calendar.vim has a set of hooks, one is called calendar_action, and it allows running custom code when the user press the enter key on a particular date. In the .vimrc, I have included the following function:
""" csvtodo vim calendar integration
""" [1]
let g:todofile = '~/Documents/todo.csv'
function CheckCsvTodo(day,month,year,week,dir)
let l:actionedaday = a:year . "-" . a:month . "-" . a:day
"" [2]
let l:due = system("csvgrep.exe -c 8 -m " . l:actionedaday . " " . g:todofile)
let l:tododuelist = split(l:due,'\r\n')
if len(l:tododuelist) > 1
let g:scratch_horizontal = 1
""" [3]
call scratch#selection(1)
let t_index = 0
call append(0, l:actionedaday)
for todoitem in l:tododuelist
if t_index > 0
let l:todo = split( todoitem ,",")
let l:tododesc = "Project: " . l:todo[3] . " " . l:todo[4] . " due date."
call append(t_index,tododesc)
let t_index = t_index+1
let g:scratch_horizontal = 0
"" [4]
let calendar_action = 'CheckCsvTodo'
[1] Set the filename and the path of the csv file.
[2] Use csvgrep to filter out a todo with the indicated due date.
[3] Open an empty scratch buffer.
[4] Hook the function to the press enter on date event.
The short video below demonstrates how it works.
- Sun Feb 20 12:49:25 GMT 2022
The Calendar-vim default date format has changed, the CheckCsvTodo function should be replaced with:
function CheckCsvTodo(day,month,year,week,dir)
let @" = ''
if len(a:month) == 1
let l:month_c = "0" . a:month
let l:month_c = a:month
if len(a:day) == 1
let l:day_c = "0" . a:day
let l:day_c = a:day
let l:actionedaday = a:year . "-" . l:month_c. "-" . l:day_c
let l:due = system("csvgrep.exe -c 8 -m " . l:actionedaday . " " . g:todofile)
let l:tododuelist = split(l:due,'\r\n')
if len(l:tododuelist) > 1
let g:scratch_horizontal = 1
call scratch#selection(1)
let t_index = 0
call append(0, l:actionedaday)
for todoitem in l:tododuelist
if t_index > 0
let l:todo = split( todoitem ,",")
let l:tododesc = "Project: " . l:todo[3] . " " . l:todo[4] . " DUE TODAY"
call append(t_index,tododesc)
let t_index = t_index+1
let g:scratch_horizontal = 0
echom "Nothing to do:" . l:actionedaday