Dispatch.vim is one of my favorite extensions for (g)Vim, it works equally well inside the Windows Terminal and the Git for Windows terminal emulator.
- Open File Explorer
Vim dispatch can be installed with a Vim plugin manager and it provides a set of commands for running external programs asynchronously. On Windows, for instance, I can open the file explorer with:
:Start start .
or set the following remap in my .vimrc
nnoremap <leader>ee <esc>:Start start .<cr>
- Python REPL
I can also open the Python REPL with the py command even when Python isn't included in the PATH, by typing:
:Start py
Pubs is a command-line program useful when you have to create a well-organised bibliographic database. It's possible to set VIM as the default text editor, after the command:
$ pubs conf
the option edit_cmd can be set equal to vim.
This program is particularly appealing to me due to its relatively straightforward integration with vim-notes. You can attach a note to a particular manuscript with :
$ pubs note citekey
To make this note compatible with vim-notes/wintermnote, the first line of the file should include the filename without extension. Inside my .vimrc I have the following code block:
autocmd BufNewFile *.txt :call CheckNoteFile()
function! CheckNoteFile()
let filename = expand("%:p:t")
let basename = substitute(filename,".txt","","g")
if (getline("1") !~ basename)
exe "normal!ggO".basename
GVim :hardcopy command can be used to generate PDF files, it supports also Emojis and Unicode characters.