plotutils and it's either pre-installed or can be easily installed on Linux OS (less so for a Windows machine).
The pic script below (json.pic) represents a typical client-server diagram:
.PS 8
VIM: box "VIM"
arrow <-> "JSON REQUEST" above "RESPONSE" below
SERVER: box "SERVER" "bottle micro-framework"
arrow -> "SVG" above "PNG" below
that can be serialized into a base64 string with:
cat json.pic |base64
As previously described here, I can send a JSON request to a server API and display the response directly from VIM.
A simple Bottle micro-framework endpoint that can compile the previous pic script would look something like this:
def pic2plot():
import re
import os
import tempfile
import json
from subprocess import run
import base64
from datetime import datetime
fmt = request.json.get("fmt")
pic = request.json.get("pic")
filename = "".join([x for x in str(".")[0] if x.isnumeric()])
tmp = tempfile.mktemp()
with open(tmp,"w") as tf:
out=run([f"{pic2plot_exe} -T {fmt} {tmp} > /home/tessarinseve/pic/{filename}.{fmt}"],check=False, capture_output=True,shell=True).stdout
return f"\n{filename}.{fmt}"
Finally, the diagram can be downloaded locally with: