VIM Snippets
Code snippets are reusable code blocks that can save considerable typing. COC includes a snippets engine that supports snipMate format and provides better compatibility for (g)Vim. The snipMate plugin isn't necessary after you have installed the COC extension, and the user's hotkeys can be defined in the .vimrc file.
"" coc snippets config as per my .vimrc
"" next placeholder
let g:coc_snippet_next = '<M-n>'
"" jump to previous placeholder
let g:coc_snippet_prev = '<M-b>'
imap <M-n> <Plug>(coc-snippets-expand-jump)
This set Alt-n as the snippet's expansion key when in insert mode.
The original snipMate extends directive won't work and it has to be declared in the configuration file as shown below:
// coc config file for gvim
"coc.source.bibtex.filetypes":["tex","latex", "pandoc", "markdown", "notes"],
"snippets.ultisnips.enable": false, // required if python not installed
"snippets.loadFromExtensions": false,
"markdown":["html"] //tell coc to also read html snippets
"coc.source.emoji.filetypes": [
Snippets for markdown files will also include those intended for HTML files.
SnipMate Filename() function is also not supported, but it can be replaced with:
snippet filename "filename without extension"
VLANG scripts
I am not aware of an existing set of snippets for VLANG that can be downloaded. However, it isn't difficult to code one from scratch. First, it's necessary to set the filetype vlang for new files with the extension .v and .vsh.
"" vlang .vimrc
augroup vlang
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.v,*.vsh set filetype=vlang
augroup END
Then I can create a vlang.snippets file in the directory .vim/snippets/
snippet script "VLANG script"
#!/Users/Seve/workplace/v/v run
${0://code }
snippet prf "println function output"
println(${1}("${2}") ?)
The video below shows a simple VLANG script built from the previous snippets.
Coc Plugin: Custom Node.js Path (2024-W25-6)
If you're using the Coc plugin for and encounter issues with your system's Node.js installation, you can define a custom path for Node.js within Coc. This is particularly useful when you've installed Node.js using NVM (Node Version Manager).
let g:coc_node_path = ‘/path/to/node’
Replace /path/to/node with the actual path to your Node.js executable.