TMUX provides the possibility to record what has been typed inside a terminal pane, and saved it to a file, something really useful for keeping track of the work done.
A convenient extension, Tmux Logging is available. However, it filters out the terminal Ansi color codes. To preserve the Ansi codes and get an HTML output, it's possible to extend a solution presented here. It requires the aha.exe binary and the following two lines of code in the .tmux.conf.
bind-key H pipe-pane "exec cat >>$HOME/'#W-tmux.log'" \; display-message 'Started logging to $HOME/#W-tmux.log'
bind-key h pipe-pane \; run-shell "cat $HOME/'#W-tmux.log'|$HOME/bin/aha.exe -b -l > '#{pane_current_path}/#W-tmux.html'" \; display-message 'Ended logging to $HOME/#W-tmux.log'
The AHA Ansi HTML Adapter binary can be compiled with Windows-Mingw 64 bit tool-chain. The video below shows the HTML output from a Mintty terminal.
With some CSS the MacOS terminal window can also be reproduced in the HTML file.