Typst Typesetting System
Typst is a new markup-based typesetting system with considerable advantages over existing ones.
Typst compiler is a single command line pre-built executable, available also for Windows OS, which is only tens of megabytes large. It supports a set of built-in markups for the most common formatting elements, and it integrates a simple, yet powerful, scripting language inside the document.
The video below demonstrates how to get started with Typst on Windows OS, while editing documents with VIM text editor.
Open a typst source file in Vim and start ( to use the Start or Start! command as shown in the video, install Dispatch.vim plugin) the typst compiler in watch mode which automatically recompiles the active source file into a PDF.
From a Vim terminal window, open the compiled PDF file with Evince, a PDF viewer. Evince (Mingw-w64) can be installed with:
pacman -S evince
Edit the source code and save it, the updated PDF document will be automatically shown inside the viewer.
typst.vim plugin
Typst.vim plugin provides syntax highlighting for the typst filetype which is automatically set in Vim for files with the .typ suffix.
It has also a filetype-compiler which can compile the active buffer with the command :make and show eventual errors in a quickfix list. Alternatively, you can source the following Vim9 script:
filename: typstmake.vim
set shellpipe=2>&1\|\ sed\ 's/\\x1B\\[\\([0-9]\\+;\\)*[0-9]\\+m//g\'\ >%s
set makeprg=typst.exe\ compile\ %:S
set errorformat=
\%E%trror:\ %m,
\%C%.%#┌─\ %f:%l:%c,
\%C%.%#│\ \ \ \%p^,
Typst's error output includes Ansi color codes for the terminal which may appear unresolved inside the quickfix list when Dispatch.vim's :Make is used.